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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ideas & Gadgets

I was sad to hear of the deaths of Papi Chullo and Big City Man at other blog sites around the interweb and noticed that Papi's had occurred almost two months ago. So my thinking here is that there should be a horse obituary website listing race horses when they pass away. Maybe some sort of registry maintained by a central authority (whoops I forgot there isn't one). Anyways good business idea for someone: ""?

The squirrels continue to be at work and I was also thinking it would be cool to have a wager calculator gadget that could calculate exotic wagers and also track your bets while at the track. I tend to keep a manual tally (when not using my ADW). So I did a little digging and couldn't exactly find a gadget, but did find several software downloads for a mobile PDA device for exotic wager calculators. Very cool and on the to-do list. I'd still like a handheld gadget to track on-track results.....

Posting has been a little light lately with the holiday weekend and I was set back with a virus on Monday and have been under the weather the past few days. This weekend is no different as the Space Clan is embarking to central PA for a wedding, some golf and in-laws time. Unfortunately I'll be missing the Prince of Wales at Fort Erie on Sunday as my re-entry into Western NY is not scheduled until later Sunday.

Good news on the MTH Survival at the Shore front, I've quietly snuck into the top 100 (81st going into today) and through the first two races I've accumulated a show (Delaware Slew $2.20) and a win ($41.40 with 11-1 Moment Sensor -woo hoo!) which should creep me up even further. Fingers crossed as the meet still has a ways to go. Funny, how my handicapping is good when I'm playing in a FREE contest....


Jessica said...

There is a site along the lines of your proposal -- Scrolls of Equus:

It covers all sport horses, mostly active, but it does also include retired or at-stud horses such as Papi Chullo. Not quite the same as what you suggest, but the closest I've seen.

Gene Kershner said...

Thanks Jessica! I see Dana's post was included there. Very cool. I figured there was something out there...


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